About John Claeys

John Claeys is the Founder of Claeys Group Insurance Services, as well as a frequent contributor to the Medicare Blog. John lives with his wife of 30 years in Tyler, Texas. Unsure about Medicare coverage options in East Texas? Contact John for guidance and help navigating the Medicare coverage process.
Changes in 2018 Medicare include increases in Part A & Part B deductibles and copays. How will this affect you?
If you have a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan, what can you do to get your costs under control? Here are some tips to save you money on your medications.
Will President Trump change your Medicare benefits? Facts you need to know about the future of Medicare under President Trump.
2017 brings changes to Medicare, affecting Medicare Part A and Part B deductibles and copays. How will those 2017 Medicare changes affect you and your Medicare supplement?
Will My Medicare Last? On a weekly basis, clients ask me about the solvency of...
I just received another call, posing the same concerned question: “I heard that Plan F is going away; what should I do?” Is Plan F going away? The answer to that question depends on what is meant by “going away.”
When shopping Advantage Plans, you will want to keep in mind some important keys to getting the Advantage Plan that is best for you.